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Water Features


Bring the feeling of West Coast living to your backyard with your very own water garden paradise. Enjoy the tranquility of the soothing sound of a custom built water feature and feel the stress of your day disappear.

There are a variety of water features available and we can help you decide what works for you that will enhance your lifestyle.

Ponds  -  Designed with your lifestyle in mind and adapted to your landscape, they are a beautiful addition when enhanced by water lilies and other pond loving plants.

Artificial Streams - Designed with natural rocks and boulders, they can be incorporated with waterfalls giving a realistic appearance of nature. If you enjoy the sound of flowing water then this is may be the perfect water feature for you.


Waterfalls - No matter what size of the area, there are a variety and concepts that can be adapted to your landscape. From large to small, a waterfall will be a delightful addition to your outdoor living space.


Water Fountains - Ideal for any space and a beautiful addition to other water features and landscape designs.

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